In today’s hectic life, we all depend packet foods for our convenience. Lack of time and easiness are the two main factors which we are attracted towards it. Wide variety of packet foods are available aiming infants to old aged. The sad thing is that even infants are depending packet milk powder instead of breast milk. Today’s mothers are not at all ready for breast feeding. Through breast feeding the baby gets the immunization power. No other products can beat that natural thing.
I was provoked to post this topic when I heard about the latest event happened in China. Thousands of babies were badly effected by using poisonous milk powder. The chemical “melamine” was added in it which was used for making fertilizers and plastics. The after effect was kidney stones and some had kidney failures. Think about the cruelty. Few children already died and thousands of children are sick. We could not have done anything against it, but we can avoid such products.
India also was a big customer of that product. Now that product is banned here for three months. Chinese state-run media announced that 21 more companies were found producing milk powder tainted with melamine. Let us try to bring up our kids in the natural and secure way.......
1st time hre...nice blog u've got here =)
and u're right, nowadays most people depend on canned and junk food =/..which is horrible 4 their health
It is very sad to read about the incident.
As for me, I am currently living alone and thrive entirely on packet foods :-)
It doesn't mean it will happen always....but it may happen....so be alert!!!!!
Cheers back....
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