Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ganesh Chaturthi

It is a great festival of north Indian Hindus, especially in Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. It is celebrated as the birth day of Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva and Parvathi. The celebrations last for 10 days. These days the Ganesha idol is worshipped in houses and it is immersed in lake or river or ocean with great celebration on the final day. All people take part in the procession. The festival symbolizes the victory of the good over the evil.

But there is a serious impact on this festival. Before the idols were made by clay and now it is done with plaster of paris, because of convenience of moulding, lite weight, less expensive etc. The chemicals on these idols create environmental problems, cause the death of fish in lakes and rivers.

Actually all the festivals which we celebrate have a good moral value and this help people to get the inspiration of living through that values. It helps people to think good, do good and live good. Let these festivals give us the positive energy to lead a good life.

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